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November 2013
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STCW Code A-VI/1-3

This one day course is designed to help you deal with an emergency medical situation while wait for emergency services to arrive. The following topics are included:-

  • Scene safety and safety for the first aider
  • General principles of first aid
  • Body Structure
  • The unconscious casualty
  • Resuscitation and CPR
  • Moving the casualty/Recovery position
  • Bleeding
  • Shock
  • Burns
  • Hypothermia

Approval from Irish Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (Marine Survey Office)


Half day security awareness course compliant with the STCW code

To give those onboard ship who do not have a designated security duty the essential education and training to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements as set out in the following STCW table, which supports Chapter XI-2 of the annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

This half day training course will meet the requirements as set out in Table A-VI/6-1 of the STCW Code 1978, as amended and will be based on the MNTB Security Course Criteria, 1st edition August 2013 and on the IMO Model course 3.27

One day course for STCW Designated Security Duties

STCW Crisis management course requiring Crowd Management certificate as pre-requisite

STCW crowd management

This half day course complies with the directive in Regulation VI/2 and Section A-VI/2 paragraphs 11 and 12 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978 as amended and is aimed at participants wishing to update their training in the use of Fast Rescue Boats.

Approval is granted by the Irish Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (Marine Survey Office).

This 3 day Department of Transport (MSO) approved course under STCW Regulation VI/2 is designed to provide all participants with the required standard of knowledge and practical ability to safely operate an FRB in an emergency situation. A combination of shore based lectures and water based practical exercises will help the participants meet the requirements as set out in the Section A-VI/2-2 of the STCW Code 1978 as amended.

Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting Updating

 This one day course meet the requirements for fire fighting updating as per STCW code table A-VI/1-2

This one day course has been designed to meet the needs of people who work on or near water hazards. Our aim is to highlight the dangers involved in these high risk areas and the necessary safety precautions that can be used to minimise the risks.

Topics include:-

  • Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Acts
  • Life jackets and flotation aids
  • Rescue and treatment of casualties including awareness and treatment of Hypothermia
  • Lifebuoys and lifelines

The theory is then put into practice by taking the group to the pool for a practical session which usually lasts for an hour. Life jackets will be worn in the pool.

A certificate will be issued to all participants who successfully complete the course.

Pier and Jetty training course

This half day course helps the participant to to understand the reasons for carrying out manual handling tasks with the least possible risk to you and your back. Statistics show that the majority of accidents in the workplace come from manual handling incidents. Pushing, pulling, carrying as well as lifting and setting down are areas of potential danger. The course discusses the skeletal structure and includes practical modules.

All ships registered in the state must appoint an officer or to appoint a safety official. It is the duty of this Safety Officer/Official/Representative to use his or her best endeavours to ensure that the provisions of the Code of Safe Working Practices and the employer’s occupational health and safety policies are complied with.

The course for safety officer or representative can include the following modules:

  • Cost of an Accident
  • Principles of accident prevention
  • Eye Witness exercises
  • Safety Officers and Representatives
  • Safety Committee
  • Purpose of Investigation
  • Improved safety Awareness
  • Collecting Information
  • Reporting accident and report writing
  • Code of Safe Working Practice for Seamen

This half day course is designed for staff who are required to operate near water hazards.

It introduces them to their specific lifejacket, we also referance some of the other jackets available that they may encounter. We discuss the functionality and limitations of the lifejacket. At the end of the course participants will be able to determine for themselves that the lifejacket they are going to wear is fit for purpose. Participants will be shown how to check the last/next service date and also that the firing machanism is properly armed and ready for use.

Each participant will be supplied with a lifejacket so that they can practice arming and repacking the jacket and also fitting it on so that it is correctly worn.

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